Stop Delay
  • Stop Delay


  • Stop Delay

    Privacy Policy

    The Privacy Statement represents StopDelay’s privacy policy with regard to all online activities on It explains how we handle your data when you use our services.

    1. Personal Data

    It means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as names, dates of birth, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers.

    2. Collection and Use of Personal Data

    2.1 For us to be able to service you better, we require your data. This personal data may be submitted through our website, email, postal service, or telephone. We collect personal data as authorised and regulated by the Data Protection Laws and as such we will only process personal data as guided by the law.

    2.2 We collect and process the following data:

    • a)  Account Data: names, date of birth, addresses, email, telephone numbers, passports/National Identity Cards, and any other data collected on our website during registration. This data is collected for purposes of delivering our services in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and communicating with you.

    • b)  Service provision Data: contact details, payment details, information on the relevant flight, and documents necessary to prove the claim among others. This data is collected to provide services and keep records of the transactions between StopDelay and the client.

    2.3 Personal data may be used where necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. The basis for this kind of processing is to protect StopDelay against risk.
    2.4 Access to personal data is restricted to employees of StopDelay.

    2.5 The Client has a right to request access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing, or to object processing at any time. The client can withdraw their consent for processing personal data at any time by contacting the Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) via email

    3. Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

    We may share your data in the following instances:
    a) Where it is necessary for preparation, negotiation, and fulfillment of the

    agreement herein.

    • b)  To our insurers or professional advisers where necessary for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining insurance coverage, managing risks, obtaining professional advice, exercising or defense of legal claims.

    • c)  To our payment service providers for purposes of processing payments, transferring funds, and dealing with queries relating to such payments and transfers.

    • d)  Other service providers in so far as it is necessary to facilitate their provision of specific services including but not limited to web hosting, court services, provision and maintenance of servers, and email services. We shall execute Data Protection Agreements with each of the service providers for the protection of personal data.

    • e)  Where disclosure of personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.

    4. Storage of Personal Data

    Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is reasonably necessary for the purpose it was intended.

    5. Security of processing personal data

    StopDelay shall ensure that personal data is processed securely by applying and maintaining appropriate and generally accepted standards of technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access.

    6. Marketing Messages

    6.1 A client may opt-in to receive marketing email and/or SMS. This consent must be free, specific, informed, and unambiguous. Once we receive the consent, we shall send marketing messages to the client.
    6.2 A client may opt out of receiving marketing messages at any time by using the “Unsubscribe” link found in emails received from StopDelay or by contacting us via
    6.3 Upon receipt of the receipt of the request to opt-out, we will The marketing messages contain information that we believe may be of interest to the client including our products and services

    7. Cookies

    7.1 Cookies are small text files stored by the computer browser to track usage patterns and record preferences. They do not contain information that can directly identify persons.

    7.2 The Client can refuse to accept cookies and delete cookies on their browser. However, blocking cookies may have a negative impact on the usability of our website. It may limit the use of all the features on our website.

    8. Minor’s Personal Data

    8.1 We target persons aged 18 years and above.
    8.2 We only process data for any person below 18 years upon obtaining consent from their parents/guardians.
    8.3 Any data of any minor obtained without consent shall be deleted with immediate effect.

    9. Updating Personal Data

    The client can inform StopDelay if any information held by it needs to be updated or corrected.

    10. Complaint

    The client has a right to file a complaint regarding the processing of their personal data. StopDelay shall ensure all complaints are handled in a timely manner and without unreasonable delay. Complaints can be submitted to

    Updated: 12th October 2023